Sunflowers for Ukraine

Creativity and getting lost in artistic projects is a great way to spend time.  Although that is an escape into another world, it is sometimes hard to avoid what is happening in the real-life world.  As I am writing this, there is a crisis in Ukraine.  People are suffering, families are torn apart, and daily life has become unimaginable for many.

Sunflowers are the national flower of Ukraine, and the Ukrainian flag is yellow and blue.  These images have been combined in various ways in the past few weeks.

Last year we created a group of flower vertical panels, including a sunflower.  Shown here is a slight variation of that, with the addition of a blue butterfly.  The butterfly not only adds the color of the Ukrainian flag, but hints at the freedom that we all want.

We enjoy making items that represent special times or special people.  If you have someone that you want to give a unique item, contact us by emailing here or contact us on Facebook.


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