What Does a Sheet Do? Part 2

To continue my journey on how a sheet of glass is used over the course of time, here is an update. The journey began as shown in the first picture with a whole sheet of glass and a small item outlined to be cut and fused. This item was a snail body as shown in the first post on this project back in February.

The second photo shows progress on using the sheet of glass.  So far it has yielded a tic tac toe board, a spoonrest and a snail head rather than the snail body of the plant peeper.  One of the remaining larger pieces of glass is still awaiting a project.  What will it be . . .

We enjoy making items that represent special times or special people.  If you have someone that you want to give a unique plant peeper, or another special item, contact us by emailing here or contact us on Facebook.


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