Watch Your Plants Grow

The propagation panel is a wonderful combination of suncatcher and houseplant.  Well, not exactly, but it allows you to hang your rootstock and enjoy watching it grow.

We introduced propagation panels last year, but now have a new design, shown here.  Each panel has two supports for the test tube so that the tube can be easily removed to fill with water and to clean.  Or the test tube can be removed from the panel completely, as the supports are fine wire and barely visible. 

Without the test tube, this rectangular version in particular, looks like your own personal stained glass window.  This multi-colored version is a unique creation each time, so if you want multiple gifts, you can customize the colors for each recipient.

Tip:  There are two different finishes available - the traditional silver solder and chain and a black patina and chain, shown on the left

We enjoy making items that represent special times or special people.  If you want a special item, contact us by emailing here or contact us on Facebook.


Frit Suncatchers


Busy Bees