Frit Suncatchers
As we enjoy the wonderful Spring weather and watch our gardens grow, it is easy to add some color inside your home with a suncatcher. This is a new style, with two different designs. Each suncatcher is fused and the color is done using frit, which is powdered glass, to create the design. Each design can be done in any color, with only two of the choices shown.
If you live in the Greensboro area, come visit DarionGlass at the Corner Market, next to St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church on Market St. on Saturday, April 29 from 8am until noon. We will have all of the items from blog posts and many other items, many of which are on our updated Gallery page. We would love to see you!
We enjoy making items that represent special times or special people. If you want a special item, contact us by emailing here or contact us on Facebook.