Mixology not Chemistry

Here is an array of frit I’ve purchased – in both COE 90 and COE 96 – for a new process called Frit and Freeze.  Now, freezing frit may seem completely wrong for glass that goes in the kiln, but it’s a process that works.

I use the frit shown here, measured out with this very small spoon into these silicone molds.  Only powdered frit, or powdered glass, works.  I have tried the fine ground frit that I already had, but I discovered, as the instructions indicated, only powdered frit works.  Once the mold is filled, I use the eye dropper to wet the frit with distilled water.  Then the mold goes into the freezer for an hour or more.  Once frozen the flowers pop out of the silicone mold and go directly into the kiln.

This frozen and fused frit produced this collection of flowers and seashells.  I have been experimenting with mixing the frit colors and adding a flower center of a different color.  I have also been experimenting with how to use these new 3D items.  The results will be in next week’s blog!

If there is a particular item, color or design for an object that springs to mind for you and you want to know if we can create it, get in touch and we will see what we can do.  Contact us by emailing here or contact us on Facebook

 Next week: how I mix 3D pieces with fused glass


Using 3D Art


What’s In a Word?