Customer Requested Art

When I am participating in craft shows and talking with those perusing my offerings, I learn a lot.  I have had extensive conversations about stained glass sidelights and how one person repaired them, I learned about the frit and freeze method of design, and I met a lovely young person who had worked with fused glass but wanted to know more and now she comes weekly to work with me in my studio.

In these craft show conversations, I have also engaged perusers who ask “Do you have any . .   . ?” and you can fill in the blank.  Most often my response is “No, but if you tell me what you want, I will try to make it.”  These conversations have resulted in a sunflower-designed windchime and the suncatchers shown here.  The lady who requested the elephant, was looking at a peace sign suncatcher that is constructed in the same jewel tone mosaic method.  The lady who requested the camel did not have any pre-conceptions as to how it should look.  So I tried two different techniques with the camel:  one with opaque glass and one with frit on clear glass to be transparent.  She loved and purchased both options.

If there is a particular item, color or design for an object that springs to mind for you and you want to know if we can create it, get in touch and we will see what we can do.  Contact us by emailing here or contact us on Facebook

Next week:  Hummingbirds


Who Doesn’t Like Hummingbirds?


Using 3D Art