Angels Among Us

I am often asked by shoppers if we have any glass angels.  We do indeed.

A free-standing angel was one of our newest items last year.  We have re-designed it a bit, so that the head and halo are more stable.

Shown here are 3 angels that have been cut, ground and wrapped, so that they are ready to be assembled.

Once they are soldered, then they can stand in any location, balancing on their front point and wings.  The wings are made of a textured or iridescent glass, sometimes clear and sometimes in a color that complements the angel body, as shown in the second photo. The angels are available in a wide variety of colors.

We enjoy making items that represent special times or special people.  If you want a special item, contact us by emailing here or contact us on Facebook.  DarionGlass will be showing at the Fellowship Presbyterian Church craft show on Nov 10 and 11.  We hope to see you there!


Artistic Bowls


A Weighty Subject