Treat Dad to Something Different

Father’s Day is not that far away.  Have you found something that will speak to your Dad, but is also in your price range?  Skip the shirt and tie and give him something that will both last and the whole family can enjoy.  DarionGlass has several items that are looking for a new home for Father’s Day and maybe one of these is right for you.

For the sports-minded Dad, we suggest this panel of the great state of North Carolina.  It boasts icons of various sports available here and located in the appropriate section of the state.  There is something for the beach, the Piedmont, the Sandhills and the mountains.  It will remind your Dad of the fun family vacations you have shared.

For the Dad who cares about the yard, choose a wind chime that suits his taste – one with fish featuring a seahorse in the middle; one with leaves and a bird watching over them; or one that features beach favorites.  Other options are available, and we can create one that is uniquely yours.

For those who want to spend more time with Dad, consider a Tic Tac Toe board.  Not only is this re-usable, without requiring batteries, but it provides a chance for you to show your Dad how much you value your time together. Both the board and the playing pieces have cork on the back to protect fingers and playing surfaces.

Decide what works best for your Dad and order today. Let us know by emailing here or contact us on Facebook.




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