Saving Memories

Where do you keep things that are important to you?  Maybe in a shoebox or the attic?  How about hanging them out where you can see them daily and enjoy sharing them?

We have a variety of circlets and teardrops designed to highlight souvenirs.  Pictured here is a teardrop featuring a key.  This one has an antique skeleton key, but you can add a key – the key to your first house, your first car key, or the key to your diary.  You can hide any key you want in plain sight!

Or select the teardrop surrounded by ball chain and featuring 2 nuggets with cat decals.  There is one cat walking (in blue) and one cat climbing up the glass (in rust).

Does the water interest you?  Select a circlet with an ammonite fossil seeming to release air bubbles as if underwater. 

If you have something specific you want to memorialize, let us know by emailing here or on Facebook.

Next Post: Small pieces make big things


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