I usually write about beautiful artistic items I've made or the processes used to create these items. The truth is, not every item turns out the way it was envisioned. This is that story.
I was making some rabbit peepers one day and after they were placed in the kiln, I added the eyes. The rabbits are white with pink inside their ears. I thought that pink eyes would be nice. I put all the little eyeballs in place and then didn't like the eyes because the contrast wasn't good enough. I picked up the pink eyes and switched most of them for blue eyes. One little pink eye slipped out of my fingers and I thought it fell to the bottom of the kiln. Surprise!
This photo shows what happened -- it fell on a rabbit ear and was fused there (proving the contrast wasn't great enough since I couldn't spot this problem before I closed the kiln)!
Once the job was was done, here is the rehabilitated bunny. He is now ready for a new home!
Not one to give up on a project, I decided to try to remove the wayward eye and save the rabbit. Since it was fused on, I would have to use my grinder for the job. Shown on the left are the variety of grinder bits I use. I would have to use my smallest bit (on the top
of the grinder post) to get into this delicate area and not disturb the pink of the ear.
If there is a particular item, color or design for an object that springs to mind for you and you want to know if we can create it, get in touch and we will see what we can do. Contact us by emailing here or contact us on Facebook.