New Designs

I have been creating windchimes for a number of years.  Over time the styles, shapes and designs have changed.  DarionGlass now offers a variety of themed windchimes including beach, music, sunflowers and cosmic bodies.  We are always on the lookout for new ideas and here are our latest creations.  Some of these are updates on earlier versions and some are new.

Starting on the left, this windchime features three pairs of birds facing each other and each set is at a different level – very hard to see with photography!  In the middle is a blue and clear glass abstract version that is highlighted by marbles – very retro.  On the right is a new version of our flower windchime featuring flowers of all colors.

If there is a particular item, color or design for an object that springs to mind for you and you want to know if we can create it, get in touch and we will see what we can do.  Contact us by emailing here or contact us on Facebook

Next week:  Show time


Show Time!


Suncatchers with Stands