Holiday Gift Guide - Part One

It's that time of year again. Time to shop for friends and family. DarionGlass has many gifts and we hope they are right for you.

We will start with our ornaments, which are only $9. Shown here is the whole process in creating our Man in the Moon ornament. Once the pattern is created, then it is traced onto the glass. There are three different glasses used for the moon - yellow for the face, white/clear for the cloud and blue for the moon. Once it is traced, it is cut, ground, assembled and fired in the kiln, shown at the top right. Then the face is drawn on, the bell attached and the thread hanger added.

Shown below is an array of available ornaments.

Let us know what you think of these items by emailing here or contact us on Facebook. Join us at St. Andrew's church on Sat. Dec 4 to see everything we have and gifts from other vendors.


Holiday Gift Guide - Part Two


Bowls and Containers