Hillsborough Handmade Market Thank You

DarionGlass participated in the Hillsborough Handmade Market last weekend.  Although the weather forecast was not favorable all week, when the time for the event arrived, we had overcast skies and NO rain for the whole event.

It was great to see and chat with so many shoppers.  Shown here is a setup of the DarionGlass booth with me and my wonderful assistant, Corinth.  It is hard to see some of the items, but on the far left is a new mosaic tray – that I finished Thursday night before the show!  The windchimes are on the far right and the slight breeze that blessed us all day made the glass chimes jingle and attracted many buyers.

Thank you to everyone who came and shopped.

If you have an idea for something you would like for yourself or a friend, let us know and we can work on creating your special glass item. Contact us by emailing here or contact us on Facebook.


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