Butterfly Creation

The creation of a 10-inch square butterfly panel came about completely by accident (and accident is not a word you want to use often when working with glass)!

A friend asked me if I would donate a glass creation to the auction for the Bel Canto group that she supports.  Once I agreed, I realized that I was at a loss for what to do.  I have donated to this group for several years, so I needed to create something new and distinctive.  I looked through some files and settled on butterflies as a theme, but I did not have time a lot of time to complete whatever I chose to do.  I was inspired by the stained glass panel pattern on the left, but I needed to translate the pattern to fused glass.  I began by making a couple of butterflies, and then, well, things went in their own direction.

While looking for the glass I wanted for the butterfly, I found a great background glass that was clear with blue swirls.  Then I remembered a glass ladybug I had and thought she would look great peeking out from some grass.  Once I had these elements basically in place, I wanted to create a little more action, so I added a couple of blown glass bumble bees.  Voila, but . . ., it looked nothing like my inspiration pattern anymore!

The finished art panel is on the right, with the ladybug and bees glued on as they are not fusible glass.  To complete the work, I edged the panel in zinc which gives a lovely finish, added some chain for hanging and had a glass piece ready for auction! 

If you have an idea for something you would like for yourself or a friend, let us know and we can work on creating your special glass panel. Contact us by emailing here or contact us on Facebook.


Bowl You Over


Welcome Spring!